We can help finance your next equipment purchase

With asset finance, your business can access the required equipment without the burden of a large upfront payment to buy it outright. This means that your capital can be used for other valuable purposes to expand or run your operations.

The working of asset finance varies depending on the type of equipment finance product. Different finance products include leasing, hire purchase, and chattel mortgages. The differences mainly lie in asset ownership, who bears the repair and maintenance costs, and how depreciation and payments are treated from an accounting and taxation perspective.

There are lenders and products available for almost all types of equipment. While some lenders offer finance over a broad range of equipment, others specialise in one or two types of equipment.

The equipment that can be financed ranges from mining, agricultural and earthworks; heavy machinery and factory equipment to medical equipment; IT, computers, and electrical products including office machinery; gym equipment, and commercial kitchen appliances.

Asset finance offers several benefits such as retaining business capital, managing repair and maintenance costs, and tax benefits. 

Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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